Stay on Top of your health with Appointment Notify! Improving health outcomes one patient at a time!
No more waiting weeks before you see your doctor. Book available appointments that match your schedule.
No more waiting weeks before you see your doctor. Book available appointments that match your schedule.
Patients immediately get notified when new appointments posted by their Providers who they have tagged become available on the platform allowing them to book them.
Provider can now post an open slot in their appointment book whenever they want to allowing them peace of mind and ensured revenue!
Text chat with other provider staff in real-time for a streamlined communication and an efficient workflow. Text chat with Patients to increase patient satisfaction.
No need to manually fill an open slot in your appointment book as Appointment Notify can do it for you automatically!
An online HIPPA-complaint platform which transforms the experience of access to healthcare..
Paitents and providers benefit from using a single, consolidated and analytical view of all their appointments across all providers facilities with intelligent notifications and real-time text chat.
Key Findings from the Merritt Hawkins’ (a Dallas-based medical consulting and recruiting firm) 2017 Survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times reveals that the average new patient physician appointment wait times have increased significantly. More specifically, the average number of days to get a non-emergency doctor’s appointment for the 15 large metro markets surveyed was estimated at 24.1 days, up 30% from 2014! The problem is even worse for the mid-sized metro markets with the average for the 15 mid-sized markets surveyed estimated at 32 days which is 32.8% higher than the average for large metro markets!
For large markets, the average wait time to see a family medicine physician is 29 days (up 50% from 2014) and for mid-sized markets, the average wait time to see a family medicine physician is 56.3 days!
Yes, on average a Patient these days is waiting longer to see a Doctor. That is, the barrier to access healthcare is inevitably increasing with time.
It is estimated that missed appointments cost the healthcare industry $150 billion each year. There are approximately 230,000 physician practices in the U.S. Of those, 47 percent of them are group practices. Patient no-shows cost this group more than $100 billion dollars each year. Just put that into perspective that in the United States alone, healthcare expenditures accounted for roughly $3.2 trillion in 2015 — nearly 18 percent of the country’s total GDP, according to a 2016 report by the Obama Administration published in the journal Health Affairs. Whenever patients miss appointments or cancel them, Providers lose revenue, and worse, appointment access for patients who need it is reduced! Appointment No-shows and cancellation impose a major burden on the healthcare system draining valuable resources, increasing cost of care and impacting health outcomes.
The specific problem we are attempting to solve is how to reduce the lead time for Patients so that they get an appointment with their Provider without waiting days and weeks. Similarly, how do we solve the problems faced by Providers when Patients miss their appointments.
For large markets, the average wait time to see a family medicine physician is 29 days (up 50% from 2014) and for mid-sized markets, the average wait time to see a family medicine physician is 56.3 days!
15 major metropolitan and mid-sized cities in five specialties:
† MERRITT HAWKINS Survey of Physician Appointment Wait Times 2017 and 2014
The AppointmentNotify Platform offers a standardized Smart Wait List feature to Patients and their Providers either of whom can use it to subscribe Patients to their preferred Provider's Wait List. The Platform then notifies Patients on a Provider's Wait List in real-time when new appointment slots become available so that they can seek those appointments.
Providers no longer have to search for or call Patients to find out if they want newly available appointments in a Provider's schedule and Patients no longer have to wait indefinitely when they need to see their preferred care Provider sooner!
AppointmentNotify makes this process even simpler by letting Providers choose to automate this workflow so they can be completely hands-free when a newly available slot opens up in a Provider's schedule by automatically filling the appointment with a new Patient from that Provider's Wait List!
While researching the decades-old problem of missed appointments and late cancellation, we discovered that a number of reasons exist which result in Patients missing their regularly schedule Doctors' appointments including but not limited to:
Introducing AppointmentNotify, the on-demand appointment marketplace. A Platform that attempts to balance the needs of both Patients as well as their care Providers. The Platform engages Patients to seek and manage appointments the way they prefer based on their own convenience. Through its patient centered design, ease of use and real-time communication and notification features, the Patients and their Providers are able to engage better (more productively).
Patients can book, reschedule or cancel their appointments on the fly and can receive important notifications of appointment availability based on their own schedule preferences. Providers get instant notification of changes in appointment status from the Patients and can post their newly available appointments to the Platform which interested Patients can seek to Book on-demand. Both Patients and their Providers can communicate with each other in real-time enabling direct access and efficient engagement.
How can we empower patients in their care and improve health outcomes? One answer could be improving access to care specifically to seeking an appointment with a care Provider.
No more waiting days and weeks to see your doctor or cancelling at the last minute and no more worrying about wasted appointment slots in a Doctor's schedule.
Patients can now relax knowing that they can always cancel or reschedule their appointments if they need to without hassle. And Providers can now relax knowing they will always get to have their appointment schedule fully utilized with a seamless and more efficient workflow so they and their Practice staff can continue doing what they do best, which is, provide care to the Patients!
AppointmentNotify, Managing Appointments On-Demand To Improve The Overall Healthcare Experience For Patients As Well As Providers!
Register and set up a profile by adding providers
Cancel or reschedule existing appointments or book available appointments on-demand
Sit back and relax when new appointment slots open up in your doctor’s calendar
Text chat with your Providers without hassle from anywhere
Register and set up a profile by adding Staff and Facilities
Cancel or reschedule existing appointments or book available appointments on-demand
Receive notifications when Patients perform actions on appointments
Text chat with Staff and Patients without hassle from anywhere
New York, NY
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